For the second time in a week, a college wide receiver quit playing because of
alleged "mistreatment". A.J Baker said he had enough of what was going on
at the University of Minnesota, and just as Marquess Wilson did at Washington
State, Baker took his football and went home. Wilson released a statement on
why he left the team, Barker took it a step further, taking to Twitter to tell the
world he was out:
"Well, its official. I am done playing football for the University of Minnesota."
tweeted Baker. He didn't stop there. Baker then directed his "followers" to go
an extensive message he posted on Tumbir for all the reasons why he quit.
What the heck is going on here? Players today now release statements and go
on the social media's Holy Grail, Twitter, to tell the world why they are
quitting on their team and school? My, oh my, times have certainly changed.
I couldn't come up for a term to describe all this quitting, crying, and typing
on Twitter, so I went to Google on found it: The Pussification Of America.
That's right, there is an actual term for it and multiple web sites for it. Facebook
even has its own page for it with a classic motto: "Quit your friggin' whining and
suck it up. Time to put on your big boy undies."
Baker and Wilson certainly didn't do that. They are wide receivers so we really
shouldn't be surprised, should we? After all, that position has become known as
the diva district in the NFL. T.O, Ochocinco, Randy Moss, Brandon Lloyd and
others were are known for creating drama. I guess the kids in college are just
taking after the ones they follow in the pros.
Baker and Wilson didn't like the way they were being barked at by their head
coaches and weren't going to take it anymore. With the more than 200 players
combined in the two programs, do you really think those two were the only
ones that were subject of maltreatment? Please. Coaches yell, that's what they
do. 20 years ago, it was called just that, yelling. Today's players have coined
a new term for it, verbal abuse. Verbal abuse sounds much better for their case
and somehow gives them a better excuse for when they pack it in and quit.
This just in: coaches yell all the time. From Lombardi to Ditka to Jimmy
Johnson to Nick Saban, there has always been yelling and screaming in the
game of football. It's just the way it is. Most players know it's used to motivate
and mold into mentally tougher ones. The few that can't handle it and take it
personally, quit and go on Twitter to tell the world how abused they were.
Just over a year ago, three football coaches in New Canaan, Ct, were fired
because of the way they tried to motivate players. They made a bon fire and
encouraged their players to burn their trophies, which were for third place.
The kids didn't have any problem with it, because as the long-time defending
champions, they felt that third place basically stunk. They didn't have any
problem with it, but the parents did and they all but fired the coaches themselves.
In youth sports today's society, EVERYBODY has to get a trophy. Everybody
has to play the same amount of time. and every parent seems to be waiting to
pounce on a coach and sue them for yelling at their kid to play defense. No wonder
players like Wilson and Barker quit because their coaches were getting on them.
The POA just isn't happening on the football field, but in the work place as well.
If an employee isn't performing, he'll find somebody or something to complain
about just to cover themselves or distract their bosses from their total incompetence.
It happens all the time. Complaining has become the in thing to do. That's what
we all seem to do. I guess all those people are right, it's the pussification of America.
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