If someone makes a claim that a person committed a despicable act that violates,
denigrates, and humiliates her and it occurred 20 years ago, chances are she would be
told to "forget about it, move on, the statute of limitations have expired so there is nothing
you can do."
Why? Why does the truth have to die with the passing of time? Is it just because the
legal system doesn't want to be bogged down with a litany of claims that morphed
from days to decades ago? Should a person in a state of mental torture and turmoil,
wrecked by the selfish and immoral acts of others, have a time clock on them to report
an incident that can be tough and embarrassing to admit?
The Bill Cosby scandal has many in our society asking some of those very questions. More
than 20 women have made significant and alarming accusations against the television legend.
They claimed Cosby drugged, sexually assaulted them and ruined their lives forever. Many
of these women say the were violated 10, 20, 30, and even as many as 40 years ago.
The two questions most often asked were why did they wait so long to report the incidents
and why now? Some say it's money, fame, and publicity. Others ask why are they would
try to destroy a "legend" like Cosby.
There aren't any easy answers. It's a volatile and explosive argument and it may never come
to the conclusion anybody wants. There is hardly any chance Cosby will go to prison for
the accusations made against him. Too much time has passed and it's basically the word
of the accusers against Cosby and that's hardly enough in a court of law where the statute of
limitations have long since passed, anyway. If they want money for their pain and suffering,
it doesn't look like Cosby is going to give any of his fortune away.
Perhaps, the accusers all want it to be known what an immoral sleaze bag Cosby really is.
Maybe they want the world to know that the man who played "Dr. Huxtable", is not
anything like his character who had integrity, honor, and always professed to others to act
responsible and do the right thing. Exposing him a fraud along the likes of Lance Armstrong
seems to be there intent.
Perhaps, it's all about the truth and why it should never die.
If somebody did something egregious against you and caused you angst and torture over
time, would you let it go after 1, 10, 20, 30 years or forever for that matter? What would
you do to expose the truth? Would you want that person to pay like Cosby has and
have him outed for the dirt bag he allegedly is?
What if somebody you trusted at a company destroyed evidence you presented to
them that would've uncovered the inappropriate behavior that existed under their watch?
And what if they tried to smear your reputation to destroy your credibility if the pieces
of evidence that he buried came to light? What would you do if the statute of limitations
expired and you had to live with the pain that the inappropriate behavior of others
caused you?
Would you want the truth to be exposed just as the women did in the Cosby case? Or
should you, as most people say, "move on" as if it all never happened?
Should it only matter when a celebrity is involved?
I've often believed that the truth should never die, no matter what. People will try to bury it,
run from it, and look the other way, but I feel that no matter how much time has past, the truth
should never be allowed to die. There are just too many cold and calculating people in this world
who ignore morality at any cost, just as long as they get want they want.
Whether it's Bill Cosby or Joe Baggadonuts, the truth should apply to everyone, no matter
No matter how much time has passed, it's the truth and that's all that should really matter.
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